Friday, July 11, 2014

Night 16 of The Rock and Roll Highway (Part 1) | Lincoln, NE | The Zoo Bar | Music Photography

7/10/14 – Lincoln, NE
As I stepped out of the cab on P Street I could hear the faint sounds of something I knew I was gonna dig.  Like dig-dig, dig so hard core, I picked up my pace.  I was running late, see, I had fallen asleep when I sat down for a moment to catch my breathe after the drive from Boulder.  It had been a good day, though with limited places to stop..mostly just empty space, with some oddly placed roundabouts in Nebraska.  Nothing for miles and then a roundabout, I couldn’t fathom what it was for?  Was there ever traffic here?  Maybe its just to break up the endless nothing.  So I fell asleep when I got to Lincoln and I was running late.  I didn’t know anything about the band opening for A Ferocious Jungle Cat but the sounds that were getting louder with every stride were making me curse that needed/not needed (sleep when we are dead) nap I had unexpectedly fallen into.

I stepped into the bar and felt like I was witnessing vintage rock from the late 60’s or 70’s. The energy felt like I had stumbled off the dingy bus from Almost Famous INTO A huge arena show.  In fact, I had stumbled out of a cab into a bar with a capacity of 125.  This band was doing IT.  Their sound and vibe made me feel like I was experiencing music from a time that I can only watch in movies and read about in books while I sigh about being born in the wrong decade.  I walked into my musical dream.

Octavio Genera, the singer,  has that special something combined with an unrelenting energy.  He glides across the stage while at the same time writhing in musical ecstasy.  He voice goes smooth with a soulful edge to dangerously raspy from song to song.  And with a badass band full of enthusiastic charisma behind him, the show was unstoppable.  Aaron Eisenberg, Joey Bustos, & Ryan Noble create the foundation for Octavio to freak out with a grace and beautiful that is rarely combined.   They have that right combination –  just enough soul and just enough R&B with a whole lotta driving rock that makes for the perfect sound.  Thank you  The Soft White Sixties.

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